My name is Cardi and I’m s scruffy dog. I like being a scruffy dog, it makes me different from all the other doggies. I was rescued from a parking lot where I was alone and afraid. I’m a super friendly doggy and I love people, but I have no space boundaries so sometimes other doggies don’t like me. I’ve been with Mary’s Doggies for a while now and the people taking care of me started to realize I was losing my sight. I’m now completely blind, but I can assure you it doesn’t stop me. I can hear very well and smell perfectly, so I’m living a happy life. I still have a dream of having my very own home. It’s good to always have dreams.
I really hope I can get a sponsor or two so I can pay back a little to Mary and her team for all the love and patience they have given me.
我叫Cardi,我的毛很蓬鬆喔,這也是我最特別的地方。想當初我獨自處在可怕的停車場裡被救援。我是一隻超級友好的狗狗,很喜歡親近人,但因為我沒有地盤意識,所以其他狗狗有時不太喜歡我。我來到Mary's Doggies已經有一段時間了,照顧我的人類發現我的眼睛開始失明。而我現在完全失明了,但我敢打包票,保證這絕對不會阻礙到我!我的聽力還是很好,嗅覺也很敏銳,所以我仍然幸福快樂地生活著。我夢想擁有自己的家。有夢總是最美的。