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The Story of Henrietta

We received an urgent message late one night about 11 pups and a
mother dog (Henrietta) needing a place to go. We were at the vet
checking up on boarding dogs – getting them socialized and walking
them. Henrietta and 11 pups, 6 of which were hers were rescued from a
mountain area. Henrietta was feeding the pups as they were only a few
weeks old when rescued. The original fosterer said they could no longer
keep the dogs and they had to move immediately. It was late, but we
knew this was an emergency, so we called one of our foster moms to
see if she could help. She agreed to take them all in. They were brought
to the vet for initial blood tests, and check ups and then transported to
our foster parent’s home. She got all of them situated, but Henrietta
was very shy and scared of everything and so it took longer to get her
in the home. There were two litters of puppies 6 of which are Henrietta’s
and 5 which were found abandoned in the mountains. After just one
day of good food, warm environment and the safety and love of
Henrietta all the pups started to perk up and their poop was returning to
Today all the puppies have found loving homes except Henrietta who is
still shy and scared of many things. We will keep her with us until she is
ready to enter a new family.

某個夜晚,我們在獸醫院探視寄宿的狗們,協助他們社會化並帶他們出去散步。我們收到⼀個緊急訊息 - 有11隻幼⽝和狗媽媽 (Henrietta) 需要地方安置。11隻幼犬中,有6隻是Henrietta⽣的。狗寶寶都只有幾週大,還沒斷奶。

救援者表示他們要搬家,沒辦法照顧這幾隻狗。當天已經很晚了了,我們把牠們帶到獸醫院進行基本的血液檢查和初步健檢,之後將他們留在中途家庭。 Henrietta 的個性非常膽小,花了較長的時間才將她安置下來。
