Poor Vidal has toes missing due to gin traps. We’d been feeding Vidal and her family in the HsinDien area for many years. We had to spend so much time traveling back and forth to feed them, and making sure they were safe. There were no other people in the area feeding them. This took away a great deal of time from training our dogs, vet visits,
paperwork etc. One day we decided to rescue Vidal and his family. We set out to catch a few each week: however, on our first visit back we set out some food and then many other dogs came running down. We hadn’t seen many of these dogs before, yet Vidal and his family seemed to know we were going to feed them. We saw many of them were female and so decided we should just get them there and then. On closer inspection we realized these dogs were from the housing site inside the
community. This housing site has many dogs but the people there, security, managers etc will not help us catch them and even stop us from trying to catch them.
Today there are still quite a few dogs in the housing site, but the security and management refuse to help us. We are deeply saddened that yet again a building site/ housing site has so many dogs. The workers there feel they are helping them by feeding them, but no one cares about getting them spayed and neutered. This means they will breed and increase and once the building site is complete these dogs will have nowhere to go. They will either be poisoned or caught by the government or scared away to live in the mountains with no food to die slowly. This is the building site’s responsibility, but not only are they not willing to help, but they also hinder us from helping these dogs. The utter stubbornness and cruelty is beyond us.
可憐的Vidal 因為被捕獸夾住,失去好幾隻腳趾。我們在新店⼭區餵養Vidal 和牠的家⼈多年,每天花很多時間往返餵食,擔⼼心牠們的安全和遭遇。這樣的往返花掉我們平常訓練、到獸醫院和進行其他文書工作的時間。有天我們決定要救援Vidal 和牠的家人,開始在每週餵養時設下捕捉陷阱。第一次回去,我們食物陷阱抓到了了許多之前沒看過的狗。Vidal 和家人似乎知道我們會回去餵食,並沒有落入圈套。我們發現這些狗是來自附近社區裡的⼀個建築工地,工地裡住了很多狗。那裡的工人、守衛和工地主任不僅不幫忙我們抓狗,還會阻止救援牠們。 住在那邊的狗都沒有結紮,也都沒有植晶片或施打狂犬病疫苗。牠們每天這樣生活在一起,我們覺得如果不積極處理,⺟狗很快就會懷孕為該地區帶來更多浪犬。我們聯繫政府單位,政府單位也到該處口頭警告守衛要積極處理。我們之後會持續跟政府單位更新狀況,確保工地人員帶狗結紮。我們難過⼀次又⼀次發現建築工地住了很多浪犬。工⼈們認為他們都有餵狗,是在幫助牠們。沒⼈考量到後續的問題帶牠們去結紮。這也代表牠們會持續繁殖帶來來更多浪犬,一旦工程完工,這些浪犬就沒有地⽅方可去。牠們可能會被毒死或是被公立收容所帶走,或者被不友善的⽣活環境嚇跑在沒有食物和水的⼭區等死。 這些都是工地的責任,他們不僅不願意幫忙,還阻礙我們幫助這些狗。我們真的無法理解是甚麼讓他們如此固執又殘酷。Vidal 和牠的家人現在都很安全,我們會照顧牠們並幫牠們找到新家。