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The Story of Serena
My name is Serena and I’m a big scaredy cat!!! I was found in a parking lot and I was in a terrible condition. I had such a bad skin condition and was so thin that I could hardly move. I ran from people because I had been abused. Even the people who were trying to help me and give me food!  I just didn’t trust anyone. Luckily, one day I was caught and brought to this heaven which is Mary’s Doggies. I cannot believe my luck to be honest. I was given all the medical care I needed and now I’ve put on weight and am healthy and happy.
However, I still just don’t trust people. I’ve been through so much and bullied by so many horrible people that I find it hard to believe people will be nice to me. But I love hanging out with the dogs and running around. I do go on walks with one of the volunteers. I bark a lot, but that’s just because I’m scared. Mary says I just need time to adjust and realize I’m safe. I know one day I’ll snap out of my fear and start to see people in a different light. I’m so very grateful to Mary and her team, as I feel loved and safe.
Please sponsor me so I can give a little back to Mary and her team!

我的名字叫做Serena,是個膽小鬼。我在停車場流浪,患有嚴重的皮膚病,身體瘦弱到難以步行。我曾經被人虐待,所以看到人就跑。即使遇到餵食我的好心人也無法信任。有一天,我很幸運地被救援,來到Mary's Doggies 這幸福園地。老實說,我不敢相信自己的幸運。我得到完整的醫療照顧,恢復正常的體重,過著健康快樂的生活。
